Sunday, June 22, 2014

Water Front Challenge Review

For the past three years I have ran the Waterfront Challenge here in Louisville Kentucky. This year I decided it's time to tell you what I think of this challenge in whole and tell you exactly how challenging it is.

First of all I would like to say the variety of people I see come to this challenge amazes me every year.  I am one when I do races who gets into my own "Zone" I tried very hard this time to pay attention to the people and commentary from everyone is unbelievable at least in the wave and the group of people that ended up running with me and my husband  throughout the race. Everyone was encouraging, making one another laugh anything to get us through the course. Ok, now for the review.

Waterfront Challenge: Urban Obstacle Course 5k
Cost: 69.00
Insurance Fee: 5.50
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Location: The Waterfront of Louisville which is the Ohio River. It is very beautiful. The starting line is right in front of the river and runs through the Waterfront Park of Louisville. Very Beautiful scenery all around.

Who is it for: It is a very challenging course. Every year I see various levels of fitness do this Race. I see people who I would deem as extremely fit struggling through some of the obstacles. If you have some major injury's or healthy conditions think twice before you do this Race. I do however think almost anyone can do this race. You may have to pace yourself more than you would like but you will get through it and you will have fun if you have that mindset knowing it's going to be challenging.  I have done it 3 years in a row and every year it is challenging but so rewarding at the end.  

Race: You run the race through out the Waterfront Park right by the Ohio river. Some of the locations of the race take you through parts of the park that you normally would venture too. It is a challenging race and has been every year that I have done it. With rolling hills ( and do NOT underestimate these hills) open lawns, and urban obstacles and fun wet finish at the end. 

Obstacles: Every year they add one or two more obstacles. Most are are urban obstacles such as steps, picnic tables, sidewalk area and HILLS! I got asked while walking back to my car what was the most challenging obstacle in the race. The hills!!! Why? Because there is not just one there are many steep hills. You think you are done with them and BAM there is another one. Other obstacles include, walking luges, ammo can carries, bear crawling under nets, tire carries, sack hops, cars, semi trailers and at the a nice water slide. These are not all the obstacles but this should give you an idea on what you would be facing in this race.

Organization: The first year the organization wasn't bad but I will say it has gotten even better every year. It is obvious they learn from past. They make sure they have people to man every obstacle area to encourage you, help you and make sure there is no injury during the race.

They did the race in 15 minute a waves. This is like may obstacle races because they want to make sure the obstacles don't become congested, which can lead to injuries.

They had a water station near the start of the race that you could begin your hydration. I think this is wise because it is in the summer time and the heat and humidity is pretty bad. I know waiting for my wave it was like the sun was zapping all  my energy out of me. The summer heat and humidity in itself is your first obstacle.

They had two water stations throughout the course placed at little past 1 mile and a little past 2 miles of the course. I do think they need to add another hydration station somewhere. That  last leg of the race is the hardest and I was very much wanting another drink.

Rewards:  I never go to be the winner of the race. I don't train for these races like that  so I go  more for the fun. They do however give finisher medals and after a course like that a finishers medal is defiantly something to take pride in. There is also an after party if you wish to take part in that. Food and beer and just a good time, so I hear. I am not one for beer and all honesty I was pretty worn out and just wanted to go home eat and hit the sack, but there is that option if you wanted to stay.

Overall: Obviously I enjoy the challenge or I would not keep coming back to it. I like the challenge I like the people and I like the feeling I get when I finish. I hate the hills but it would be as challenging or the Waterfront Challenge without them. I will continue to run this race until I move from KY so I at least have one or two more years of this challenging course, and I can't wait for next years.

Friday, May 23, 2014


So this past week has been Epilepsy Awareness week and I have been sharing my story and information about Epilepsy. Now I done this in post but thought why not sum it up all in a blog.

For most of my life I really didn't understand my disorder. I still don't completely and as I do my research on it I find out so many things that I just wasn't aware of. Me overcoming the near death experiences at the time didn't seem like a big deal. But you know it was. Not everyone can say the cheated death in a way I did. How I see it is I was given the chance to send a message and I am doing my best to do just that.

I want to start off with my diagnoses. Since I was a baby this is the story I have been told and understand.

  When I was 10 months I was just like any other baby curious and playful and at that time I was seizure free. But my mom put me down for a nap and the story I was told was this: I was playing around in my crib reaching for everything around and got a hold of dry cleaning bag. Some how I managed to wrap it around myself and suffocated. When I was found I was not breathing and immediately rushed to the hospital. I was revived somewhere between there home I am not sure but I went long enough with out air to cause my brain to swell. The doctors at the time believed I was not going to make it and prepared my family for my death. By the grace of God I survived. What saved me is I still had a bit of soft spot left on my head which allowed my brain to swell without crushing it. I was released and I'm not sure how long after my release I began to seize which put me back in the hospital. Apparently they did every test they could to figure out what could be causing it. My mom said I had 5 IV's in me and looked oh I can only imagine how I looked. They found I had a dead spot in my brain due to the the accident which in return was causing me to seize. I had the full Grand mal seizures so it was a scary sight for my family. They put me on my first of many meds to try to control them and released me again but I know for many months I spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital and I can only imagine what my family had to go through watching me helplessly as I seized. That is how I was diagnosed. 

Scary yes. Growing up with epilepsy to be honest I really didn't notice. I thought all the test, doctor visits , blood work and taking medication was normal. I wasn't even aware I had seizures until about the age of 10 and then I began to fear them because I remembered them. I learned quickly some of the triggers that would cause me to seize. Here are a few common triggers. Not all are my triggers but a good portion are. 

* Specific time of day or night

* Sleep deprivation – overtired, not sleeping well, not getting enough sleep ~ For me this is a big one. This is why I must have good sleep.

* At times of fevers or other illnesses

* Flashing bright lights or patterns ~ A HUGE one for me. I will hide my face a lot of times and shield my eyes. Some patterns like stripes will cause me to seize too so you will catch me looking away from them as well. Sucks when it come to haunted houses and some amusement park ride

* Alcohol or drug use ~ Yes another one why I don't drink to much and well I took so many meds growing up never was interested in trying or doing drugs.

* Stress ~ Yes a big on me as well. That is why exercise I believe helps because when I do feel stress I have a good lift and feel so much better.

* Associated with menstrual cycle (women) or other hormonal changes ~ Yes I had a lot in my teenaged years and when I got Pregnant.

* Not eating well, low blood sugar ~ Yes but not as big as a trigger as some of the others.

* Specific foods, excess caffeine or other products that may aggravate seizures

* Use of certain medications

One of the most disappointing moments in growing up was finding out when I was 15 and half that I could not drive. I was so excited telling everyone what car I wanted and where we would go and just to have that freedom every teenager wanted. Then my mother had to sit me down and tell me that since I was not controlled I could not drive. I at the time I felt it was unfair and was mad of course. It sucked for me I had to rely on my friends, parents or even my little (yes little) brother to take me places. Finally at 19 I was able to get my DL and have my freedom, but two years later I found out just why it was so important for me to be controlled before I got my DL. 

I was 21 and a new mother. I was driving to Oklahoma and following my husband. I had my oldest 3 months old in the back seat. I somewhere between the Texas border and Stringtown, OK when I came to I was in a full blown seizure. Right side of my body fully locked up and my right foot pressing down on the gas petal. From what vision I had (I see a blinking aura when I seize) I saw my husband's car come closer and closer. Normally I don't fight a seizure but this one I fought with all my heart. I ended up some how using my left side which was locked up to push the steering wheel to the right. Car full speed and was just praying that my oldest would survive this pasted my husbands car in the grass. My car ended up on the left two wheels and I swore we were going to flip I really did but we slammed back down knocking my foot off the gas petal and causing my car to finally coast to a stop. My seizure ended and that was the first and only time I was aware of the entire seizure. I looked in the back seat and Ana was just sleeping, and my husband ran up to the car pretty freaked out I remember looking at him and falling over finally passing out. When I woke EMS was there. I went to the hospital to get checked out and found out through that hell I went through I was pregnant again with my youngest. I did after that seizure give up my DL for a bit and still won't drive long distances out of fear. And the only reason I let that fear win is because it's not just my life at hand when I drive but others who are out on the road.

The reason I had that seizure was mostly due to hormone changes because I was pregnant along with the trees acting as strobe lights and a bit of stress of driving. None the less it was scary and I am thankful to be a live and that no one else was hurt. 

Some of the common things I had to go through growing up with epilepsy were:

~When I was first diagnosed I was put on a medication that caused my baby teeth to rot. Because of that I had to have silver caps put on my teeth. Now I thought I was special for this never understanding why I had to have them, but on a plus side since they were "special" teeth when the tooth fairy came I got extra for the silver teeth

~I was unaware of my disorder up until the age of 10 I would say. Yes I thought it was normal for every kid to go to the doctor monthly get blood work done and have things glued to your head and take medication. I never really remembered having a seizure and never understood what was happening until I was older.

~I was not able to get my DL until I was 19 and like I stated earlier that was not something I was happy about. In the state of Oklahoma I had to go 3 years without a seizure before I was allowed to drive. Since I have gotten it I have had to give up once due to my seizures.

~The only seizure I can remember having at school was my freshman year. I was in speech class and yep it was embarrassing and I think the first time my class mates really saw a seizure as well. I only had one person that I can remember poke fun of me due to my seizures.

~I have had seizures on amusement park rides , in a grocery store, while driving, in my sleep, at work, while mowing the lawn and at school. Those are all the places I can remember other than my home.

~Hormone changes caused me to seize pretty bad. As a teenager it was tough because I was having a lot of seizures due to changes. When I was pregnant I had many seizures as well especially with my second pregnancy. I Never was taken off my meds during pregnancy either because without my meds I would most defiantly seize.

~I often get asked, "Do you ever wish you didn't have seizures" The answer is no. I never seen my seizures as burden but as a part of me. No they are not fun and no I do not like having them and all the work maintenance that comes with having the disorder. But they are my struggle that gave me hope, faith, strength and helped mold me into who I am today.

Now my biggest factor and struggle with my epilepsy is the fear of coming off the current medication I am on and have been on for 19 years due to the fact I have become immune to it and I have developed many of the rare serious side effects of te medication which is causing overall issues with me health. I am not sure what medication they will switch me to and I am not sure how they will do the switch. I have no idea how my body will take to coming off the meds I have been on and if the new meds will work. The possibility of me having a seizure is high  and I will be honest that scares me as well. This is all a big change and me remembering how many times I jumped from one medication to another as a teenager until I found the current medication that controlled me was complete hell. I am hoping it goes smoothy and is a one time thing but it could take several tries and combinations before they find what works for me or works best for me because there is no guarantee that I will be controlled. Which brings me to the question I get asked a lot. "What do I do if you have a seizure" Well unfortunately there is nothing you can do to stop it if I got into a Grand Mal seizure, but this is what you can do to help and here is how:

*Don't Panic - Some seizures are very scary looking but the person needs you to stay calm and help them.

*Allow plenty of space- move anything out of the way they may cause injury.

*Protect from injury- if a person is standing or on something help them down to the ground if you are able.

*Loosen anything tight around the neck

*Put something soft under the head

*Turn to the side to prevent choking

*NEVER put anything in the mouth- NOTHING that can cause choking and do more harm than good

*NEVER restrain the person- You have to let the seizure ride out. I know it's painful looking but restraining the person can cause more injury.

*If the seizure last longer than 5 minutes call 911. Most the time when in a public place 911 is called anyways but for sure if at home or public place if it last more than 5 mins call 911

*After the seizure is done and over offer support and allow rest. Be prepared for lapse of memory and confusion from the person too.

Like I stated earlier I did not understand my disorder until recently. When I started having more Simple Partial Complex Seizures then I started asking my doctors questions that lead to more questions and me doing research. Well I also found out about the Epilepsy Foundation and now getting more involved with them and doing my first Walk Around Kentucky which benefits the Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckina . From them and other sites I have found out many things about Epilepsy. 
Epilepsy is called a “stealth” disease, but it’s difficult to imagine how so few people can know about a disease that affects so many Here is some facts and fun facts that I found out about my research into my disorder.

*Epilepsy affects over 3 million Americans of all ages – more than Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, and Parkinson’s Disease combined.

*In America, Epilepsy is as common as Breast Cancer, and takes as many lives.

*Almost 500 new cases of Epilepsy are diagnosed every day in the United States.

*Epilepsy affects 50,000,000 people worldwide.

*One in 100 people will develop Epilepsy.

*One in 10 people will suffer a seizure in their lifetime.

*This year another 200,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with Epilepsy.

*Each year over 125,000 to 150,000 are newly diagnosed with Epilepsy.

*30% of those diagnosed are children.

*Epilepsy can develop at any age and can be a result of genetics, stroke, head injury, and many other factors.

*For many soldiers suffering traumatic brain injury on the battlefield, Epilepsy will be a long-term consequence.

*In two-thirds of patients diagnosed with Epilepsy, the cause is unknown.

*In over 30% of patients, seizures cannot be controlled with treatment.

*Uncontrolled seizures may lead to brain damage and death.

*Up to 50,000 Americans die each year from seizures and related causes.

*The mortality rate among people with Epilepsy is two to three times higher than the general population.

*Risk of sudden death among those with Epilepsy is twenty-four times greater.

*Epilepsy results in an estimated annual cost of $15.5 billion in medical costs and lost or reduced earnings and production.

*Historically, epilepsy research has been under-funded. Each year NIH spends $30 billion of medical research, but just ½ of 1% is spent on epilepsy.

*St Valentine is the patron saint of people with epilepsy!

To End my blog over Epilepsy I found  throughout history there have been suggested that many famous people have had epilepsy and millions of other people from beggars to kings. What this tells me is that just because you have a epilepsy that doesn't mean you don't have dreams and your strengths and shows me that you most definitely can achieve any dream you wish despite of the disorder. I myself prove this point as well. Here is a list of people in history who had Epilepsy

Leonardo Da Vinci
Harriet Tubman
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Edgar Allen Poe
Theodore Roosevelt

Thank you to the Epilepsy Foundation and other sites that helped with finding all this useful info. 


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Adveristy what is it to you?

Adversity, what does it mean to you?

Webster’s definition is: a difficult situation or condition: misfortune or tragedy.

This is a great definition, however; adversity could mean different things to different people. Without adversity, one could say, could potentially make a person less resilient.

I believe everyone has some type of struggle they are going through.  Some are big, some are small, but all are just as important.  They are important because they allow us to grow as a person.  If we must go through such hardships, is it not better to learn and grow from them?  So I ask you, what is something that you struggle with?  What would you consider to be your adversity?

I ask you as you sit and read to, think of your struggles, I would like to tell you a bit about one of mine. From the age of 10 months I have suffered from a seizure disorder commonly known as Epilepsy.   A seizure is a sudden disruption of the brain’s normal electrical activity followed by altered consciousness and/or other neurological and behavioral manifestations. Epilepsy is a condition where seizures reoccur and can include (and did in my case) repetitive muscle jerking called convulsions.

I was not born with this condition but developed it from a childhood accident. When I was 10 months old I got a hold of a dry cleaning bag wrapped it round my face and suffocated. For an unknown amount of time I was not breathing. I was quickly rushed to the hospital and between that time and my arrival there I was revived however damage had been done and my brain began to swell. The doctors prepared my family for my death but as you can see death did not come. Instead God had other plans for and instead of death I developed Epilepsy.

I was put through many tests and medicated for my disorder. I had monthly check ups and routine exams. Throughout most of my childhood, I was unaware of my disorder. As I grew older and started remembering my seizures, I quickly became fearful of them.  The doctors told me what could trigger a seizure from environmental factors, stress, medication imbalance, hormonal changes and lack of sleep.  Basically, I was told to live in a bubble and play it safe.  Needless to say, year after year, I realized how much my seizure disorder took from me.

Sports of any sort were not encouraged due to possible injury to me or other players.  Certain amusement park rides were off limits due to strobe lights. Haunted houses, which I loved, were also off limits to me also due to strobe lights.  As I became a teenager and driving age approached, I found out that I couldn’t get my driver’s license. Imagine finding out what bit of freedom you thought you were going to have isn’t going to happen. I was told I had to go 3 years without a seizure before I could get my license and at that time my seizures where not controlled. I eventually got my license but I did have to give it back to the state of Oklahoma once as a result of having a seizure while driving.
Doctors warned about having children because my medication could be harmful to the baby as well as the hormonal issues, which would and did cause me to seize during both of my pregnancies.

I lived on the side of caution for all my wonder years and into my twenty’s. I had dreams, but due to my disorder, I thought they were unattainable.  I watched others grow and become something as I sat and watched and did nothing.  I was unfit and very unhappy when finally one day I decided I wanted to live. I mean really live. I was tired of the fear of my disorder. Tired of Epilepsy controlling what I thought I could or couldn’t do.  So I took charge, knowing very well what the risk could be. I slowly overcame my fears.  My “I can’t” turned to” I can” and “I will “and finally into” I did”

I went after what I thought was impossible.  I ran races, finished my first 5K in 2012 in under 30mins.  I placed in many races thereafter and then sought out my personal training certificate. It was there where I met someone who saw something in me that I, still to this day, could hardly believe.  He started me training for my first competition, which to my disbelief, I won, 3rd in my class!  I went on and have done 3 more shows and plan to compete again sometime in 2015. I first want to get my business up and running and make Fanci Fitness more than just me and my goals but you and your goals too. I want to help you overcome your adversity and go for your dreams. These are things I thought I would never in my life achieve yet here I am. My struggles and obstacles are not yet over. My seizures are under control for the most part.  I do have other medical complications due to my medication that is requiring me to undergo a medication change. I have been on the same medication for 19 years and coming off a medication and on new, leaves a lot of uncertainty and my seizures may or may not be fully controlled by the new medication. But it’s just another challenge that will make me that much stronger.

I sincerely hope my story brings to light that no matter what difficulties life may throw your way; you have the ability to RISE ABOVE any and all obstacles you may encounter.  With any problem there is always a solution.  It may be harder or may take longer but do not give up your dreams! They are worth it! So shoot for the stars and then beyond.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Choosing a Pesonal Trainer

Everyone has their reasons as to why they want to start their journey to become healthier; to lose weight, or have more energy and better quality of life, health reasons or deciding to compete in sports. Whatever your reasons, know that it will take time and motivation. A Personal Trainer can help you with your goals and keep you motivated by challenging you with workouts and giving you the knowledge you will need to achieve your goals.

We all know exercise is good for but do you know why? Here are some awesome benefits to staying fit and active:
  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass
  • Increased bone density and prevention of osteoporosis
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased longevity of life
  • Increased Resting Metabolic Rate
  • Lowered cholesterol
  • Prevention of Heart Disease
  • Improved cardiovascular endurance
  • Increased muscular strength
  • Lowered risk of developing diabetes
  • Assists with stress management
  • Reduced depression and Anxiety
  • Improved overall well-being confidence and quality of life
You may wonder if you need a Personal Trainer and what the benefits of having a Personal Trainer are. You can ask yourself the following questions to help you make that decision.

Do you know where to start?

Most people that are new to the gym do not know where to begin or how to get started. If you have never exercised, you probably feel clueless as to where to begin. A personal trainer will guide and educate so that you can achieve your goals and workout on your own.

Do I know the equipment?

Certain gym equipment, if you have no idea how or why it is used, can be just plain scary; it’s big, it’s bulky and can be intimidating. Any type of load bearing equipment needs to respected, as there is great potential for injury. Personal Trainers will be able to demonstrate the way or various ways on how to use any gym equipment so you can get the most benefit out of your workouts.

Do I know the correct form and how to do an exercise safely?

From a safety perspective, it is disturbing, how many people use incorrect form. It’s always wise to make sure you are using correct form and weight when performing an exercise to avoid injury. A Personal Trainer is good because they can see what you do and cue your properly to ensure you do the exercise correctly.

Do you need the motivation?

There are times that I have zero motivation so I hired a trainer to encourage me, especially when I train legs. I can slack when working legs if not pushed. So you have to ask yourself; do you really give your workouts 100%?

Do you know how to meet your goals?

There are different plans for different types of goals. A personal trainer is valuable when making a customized plan that fits you and your goals.

Have you hit a plateau?

Have you hit a weight loss plateau and don’t know what else you could possibly do to reach your goal? A Personal trainer assesses you and your diet and exercise program in order to create a plan to get you past the plateau

Now how do you choose a personal trainer? You definitely have to find someone who is right for you. But how do you choose? These are things that I look for and things my clients had told me they look for when choosing a Personal Trainer.

  • Most importantly, ensure they are certified as a Personal Trainer with an accredited certification.
  • Make sure they understand and respect your goals. They need to follow what you want not what they want and like.
  • Make sure they make you feel welcome. I try so hard to do this as a trainer. And yes sometimes personalities don’t work and that is ok.
  • Make sure they listen to and encourage you. A good trainer will listen to your questions and concerns. Don't worry no question is ever to silly to ask. Also a good trainer will encourage you throughout the workout, after the workout, as you meet your goals and as you continue your journey. I often do a "Fist Bump" help encourage or as a way of saying "Way to go" to my clients.
  •  Check out their success stories – Reviews are incredibly important when seeking out a trainer so be sure the one you choose has a proven track record of success in assisting people to reach their goals. If they don't have any reviews then ask for references or to speak with one of their existing clients to help you make the decisions if they are the right trainer for you. 
I love my job guiding, encouraging and celebrating with my clients when they meet their goals. The satisfaction I get from the smiles on their faces after they have reached a goal or exceeded a personal best is one of the best feelings in the world for me. My hope is that this information helps you decide if you need a trainer and if you decide that answer is yes, helps you choose the right one.