Friday, October 23, 2015

6 tips on if it's Bogus

      As a personal trainer and someone into fitness and living a healthy lifestyle I often get approached by people wanting me to try their weight loss products and other supplements. They claim their products has helped them meet their goals and others and they believe it will help me achieve my goals and of course my clients goals. Me being the person I am which is skeptical, start asking 20 questions and that is when I find out that this person often doesn't know a thing about the product itself or what is in it. Kind of scary huh, knowing that companies will have just about anyone selling their products promising great out comes with little knowledge of what is actually in it.
      I am one who doesn't like to use supplements to achieve my goals anyways.  That doesn't mean I don't use supplements. I take a daily multi vitamin and BCAA's during my work out and on occasion I have a protein powder paired with a piece of fruit for a quick meal on the go. I try my hardest to stay away from highly processed foods as much as possible and rely on what nature gave us. My reason for this has a lot to do with my Epilepsy and the medication I take. Certain combination of foods and ingredients in supplements can interfere with my medication and can cause me to have a seizure if I am not careful. I do encourage my clients to eat healthy whole foods as well and NOT to rely on supplements and "quick fixes" when it comes living a healthy lifestyle especially when it comes to losing weight.
       As many of you know there are so many products out there that promise you fast results whether it be to lose weight, build muscle or even to detox. But how does one know if these products are true to their word? In this day and age you find information is rampant on the internet and is continually being revised and created and this is no exception when it comes to diet and exercise products. Internet information comes in many forms such as facts, statistics, stories and opinions. This information is created for many purposes such as to entertain, inform, to persuade, to sell, or to influence an individual and varies in quality from good to bad. Many claims you will find are misleading and are supposedly backed by scientific sounding statements making it difficult for even informed consumers to separate fact from fiction. 
       But with all these products that promise fast and permanent results and the vase information that is on the internet how can you tell if a product is true to what they say or just another product out to get your money? The general rule of thumb is:   If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The following are "red flags" that may help you spot a "quack".
  •  The promoter claims that the medical establishment is against him or her and that the government won't accept this new "alternative" treatment.  If the government or medical community doesn't accept a treatment, it's because the treatment hasn't been proven to work. Reputable professionals don't suppress knowledge about fighting disease On the contrary, they welcome new remedies for illness, provided the treatments have been carefully tested.
  • The promoter uses testimonials and anecdotes from satisfied customers to support claims. Valid nutrition information come from careful experimental research, not from random tales. A few people's reports that the product in question "works every time" are never acceptable as sound scientific evidence.
  •   The promoter uses a computer- scored questionnaire for diagnosing "nutrient deficiencies." Those computers are programmed to suggest that just about everyone has a deficiency that can reversed with supplements the promoter just happens to be selling, regardless of the consumers symptoms or health. 
  •   The promoter claims that the product will make weight lose easy. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to lose weight. Again, if a claim sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  •    The promoter promises the product is made with a "secret formula" available only from this one company Legitimate healthy professional share their knowledge of proven treatment so that other can benefit from it.
  •   The treatment is available only through the back pages of magazines, over the phone, or by mail-order ads in the form of news stories or 30 minute commercials commonly known as infomercials in talk show format. Results of studies on credible treatments are reported first in medical journals and then administered by a doctor or other healthy professional. If information about a treatment appears only elsewhere, it probably cannot withstand scientific scrutiny.
Notice I am not calling out  any specific products here. I am sure you may have some products that come to mind when you read these "red flags". My goal here is to educate you on how to choose the quality of supplements no matter where you may buy  them from. The first thing you need to realize is that the bases of a healthy lifestyle comes from healthy eating habits, physical activity  and proper rest and self care. Supplements are there to help fill in the gaps if you will when needed and and only should be used when needed and not depended on. 

If you need any guidance on diet or exercise you can contact me at and I will be glad to help you.