So the things I keep focus on when I am on vacation is hydration, diet, and movement. When I say movement I don't mean exercise as in going to the hotel gym. After all you are on a vacation so plan your movement and have fun with it because vacation is about enjoying yourself. For those who are saying "What if I just want to relax?" well that is fine too, part of my relaxing is staying active and being adventurous or seeing the sights but I do relax some on my vacation too.
Below are some of my vacation tips that work real well for me. I never seem to gain weight and at times I come back and lost a few pounds so it must work. So give them a try.

Always have a water in hand: Just
because you on vacation doesn't mean you should slack on your water
goals. Try your hardest to meet them when you are out and about.
Plan active activities: This
is my thing to do. I love hiking, sighting tours, any water activity
there is or rock climbing horse back riding or adventure activity I am
all about. You may not be as adventurous as I am but finding some sort
of active activity that is in your realm should not be hard even if it's
just shopping the local farmers market which often in local area.
Opt for the Stairs: Whether it be hotels or higher altitude locations like ...dare I say the Eiffel Tower... Leave the elevator behind and climb the stairs. Which each step you climb you get to take in a different point of view which often times is stunning. Why rush it with the elevator when you actually take a moment and gaze upon it when you climb the stairs? Some views are just too breath taking not to take a moment to take in so opt for the stairs if you can.
Try to get 30 mins of cardio a day: If
you do some type of active sight seeing this should not be a problem
but if you find your self on a boat most the day or riding around on a
taxi or bus most the day try to get some other form of cardio in just so
moved some. I would do this before you start you day off as well.
During meals focus on protein and veggies: Make
sure you focus on the protein and veggies will ensure you don't over
eat and eat until you feel about 80% full. I personally love to try
new styles of food when I travel so this is always exciting for me. As
for desert opt to share if you can and if you want =)
Remember you aiming for fitness maintenance: So
when on vacation you are not out to make any sort of progress you are
just trying to maintain what you have. If you have the time to go and
some type of full body workout then by all means do it, but if you don't
just enjoy your vacation you are not going to lose anything in the
short time that you are gone.
Find Restaurants in walking distance: Not
only restaurants anything actually, if you can walk to a place walk, be
as active as you can without getting around by bus or taxi. This will
keep you moving and allow you to enjoy the area that you came to visit
much much more. You would be surprise the sights you would miss if you
took a taxi or bus every time you went out.

If you like to more advice or to would like me to coach you into a healthy way of living then contact me through my page or blog or my email AMcKinney2@LT.Life and I will be glad to help you out! Look forward to hearing from you!
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