Thursday, November 15, 2018

Fanci Ways to Stay on Track in the Winter

Well the days are getting shorter which means the holidays are pretty much here. This is when I notice my client’s schedules start to shift and their routines tend to shift a bit due family time and holiday events or even weather could come into play as a factor and this could mean if not prepared their fitness and nutrition habits and take a hit.

Although it is the holiday season some indulgence and relaxation can be expected and shouldn’t make one feel guilty, but too much can make it tough to get back on track. Sometimes clients just fall off the radar completely. So how do I do my best to help my clients embrace the winter and holidays without losing sight of their goals?  Well here are some of my Fanci tips for you. 

1. Be Prepared for a Decrease in Activity

Realistically, it happens you have shopping, events, plays, parties, get togethers and not to mention the weather! Your schedule is going to 
change and knowing that up front you will have to adjust your exercise time. Knowing that take a good look at your schedule, sadly your personal trainer (me) may not be in that schedule but a 10-minute workout may be worked in. And your Personal Trainer (me) can help you with that 10-minute workout. Remember something is better than nothing.

2. Revisit Your “Why”

As your life gets busy with the holiday season, I want you to jot down the reason or go back to the reasons on WHY you started your health and fitness journey in the first place. Is it to have a stronger immune system, preventing or reducing chronic pain, having more energy or losing some unwanted pounds or simply keeping up with the kids? Whatever your “Why” is write down again revisit it to help you keep yourself on track.

3. Try New Things

I tell my clients and myself “Don’t be afraid to try new things” Guess what I tried this fall yoga! Guess who at first hated it and then LOVED it! This girl! Trying new things can keep you energized and motivated. You can be like me and try yoga if you haven’t or a boot camp. For nutrition try some new spices or new healthy recipes with some season fruits and vegetables.

4. Shift to “Fanci Movement Snacks”

If you can’t even fit in a 10-minute workout in let’s see if you can get a 1 to 2 minute “Fanci Movement Snack” in. Since often times schedules get crazy you need to get moving where ever you can. I have been known to do squats or mini jumping jacks in a check out line. You can also do running up and down office stairs between meetings, parking at the end of every parking lot for more walking, doing lunges down the hall way or doing calf raises while you wait in line as well. These “Fanci Movement Snacks” add up and help with the fact you not able to keep up with yoru regular workout routine.  

5. Plan for Snow Days

I don’t know about you but I live in an area that gets snow (well some snow) so I plan accordingly. I also know my clients won’t want to travel when there is even a chance of snow for safety reason and rightly so. As a Personal Trainer I have come up many and I do mean MANY at home workouts for my clients. We can’t forget the nutrition part of a snow day. Who likes to spend their time in their PJ’s and bake or eat comfort food? Well I for one am warm bowl of soup kind of girl. However, be mindful of what you eat when you are snowed in. Think plenty of hearty vegetables make them into some warm healthy stews.   

6. Gear Up for Outdoor Activity

Even though it gets cold in most places that doesn’t mean everything has be done indoors. Ok for me it does, but that is because I do not like the cold! Many people love running in this weather or cycling or hiking and if it snows try snowboarding or sledding. Shoveling your driveway well that is a workout in itself.  

7. Know Your Nutrition Obstacles

With the holiday’s coming into full swing you will have your nutrition obstacles. Whether it be your aunts’ rum cake or your mom super cheesy pasta dish or an office party open bar. Bottom-line there will be one temptation after another. Identify what is coming and make a plan that balances out those obstacles with healthier holiday eating. For my clients I don’t want them to give up their holiday treats but I do want them to be mindful of them and keep it in moderation. Moderation is key.

8. Have a Go-To Holiday Dish

With the holidays it can feel like there is nothing but less than ideal food options. Many of those less than ideal food options are carbs and normally the unhealthy kind that can send you crashing. Instead of reaching for those look at the local farmer’s market for your fall and winter vegetables and make a good go to dish for the holidays.  You would be surprised on how some of these vegetables can satisfied both your sweet and savory taste buds while staying healthy.  Just look in my Fall recipe blog for some ideas.

9. Prep for Active Travel

Most of us travel some for the holiday’s and it is helpful if we prepare for it. Whether this means putting together hotel room workouts, or looking for yoga studios where you going or even running or walking trails. Also take the time to look for good grocery store or healthy restaurants. As long as you come up with a plan for holiday travel.  

Overall winter doesn’t mean you have to put a stop to your healthy lifestyle. You just may have plan a different strategy   to get around the holiday’s to stay on track. A good solid plan is the key and staying in touch with your personal trainer or coach when you need them (that is what we are here for!)

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