Most of us
grew up watching X-Men and Batman and other super hero shows, dreaming
and wishing we could be like them. To possess the brute strength of
Superman, or super speed like the Flash, or the agility and wit of the
Batman always seemed like a great dream that was unattainable and only
in the world of fantasy.
Then I realized it’s not as unattainable as one might think. You can actually become your own hero with your own superpowers. Yes, I said superpowers. You may be asking yourself “How?” right now. Well, fitness, in its many shapes and forms, can also be seen as a super power. If you think about our heroes we read about and their powers you realize that most their powers come from some sort of athleticism. For instance, take the Flash. His super power is super speed. Now how many of you have ran track, a marathon or just run in general as a way of staying in shape and active? Well BOOM! You have your super power! Of course you may not be as fast as the Flash but I know some people who are pretty darn fast.
Now what if running isn’t your thing? What if you like to lift heavy objects for a sense of power? Well then, I would say you have BAM super strength. You are now the modern day Wonder Woman or She Hulk and for the men, Superman. Both weight lifting and power lifting could be considered super strength, though I don’t think super strength alone is the only thing you could compare with these two sports. If we really think about it, moving heavy weight is also a lot like moving the earth known as the super power of earth control. If we can pick up a weight in a gym we can pick up rocks, dirt and trees. Wouldn’t you say?
Then you have the graceful gymnasts. These athletes display a lot of
physical agility in their movements. Some might say they are in the
same class with Spider-Man. Yes, he swings through the air, does flips
and takes out the bad guys. Gymnasts aren’t big people and neither is
Spider-Man (In comparison to the Hulk). Another superhero that uses
agility would be Batman, not just physical but mental as well. Batman
foresees his obstacle when you think there is no way he could get around
it. BANG POW!! He has prevailed with his uncanny wit and swift agile
movements. Martial Arts could also be thrown into this mix because it is
not only a sport but also a tool that many of the superhero’s we grew
up with, use. One of my favorite lady heroines is Black Widow. She is
agile, quick, and a very skilled martial artist. Not to mention she
looks really good in leather.
Then there is the sport of Cross Fit. The superhero I think of when I think of Cross Fit is Captain America. He is strong, quick, and displays an endless amount of muscular and cardiovascular endurance. All of which are necessary for the sport of Cross fit. His “never say never” attitude when taking on the bad guys could be compared with continuing to push through a workout of the day (WOD) even though you feel like throwing in the towel. With Cross Fit’s strength training based workouts that are fast paced with high reps, you can see how one could easily be seen as a super hero.
Willpower, a power we use to overcome obstacles. Willpower is used, if you think about it, in all areas of fitness. Green Lantern is a prime example of this. In the beginning, his ring had a weakness to the color yellow but over time he overcame that weakness. In life we face many struggles not just in fitness but in other aspects as well. We use our willpower to figure out how to overcome our obstacles just as the Green Lantern did. We are going to run into things or people that may slow us down but know that in time you will prevail! Willpower is used not only in the mental aspect of fitness but also in the physical. Think of it this way, when you lift a weight, you to have to know you can move it and then use that mind/muscle connection to perform the motion. When you try to lift a heavier object, your mind may say you can’t do it so therefore your muscles will agree because the mind and muscle connection is not there. It may take a few tries to get that connection to sink in and to get them to say, “I can “then to say,” "I will” and finally to say, “Yeah I just did”. So Willpower is a superpower that we must all possess. Not only in the sense to say no to things we don’t need in our lives but also to move forward in our athletic superpower ability.
These are just a few examples how sports and fitness can be compare to superpowers. As you can see, living a fit and healthy lifestyle has already given you a superpower. You may actually have more than one. Now go out there and become your own hero!
Then I realized it’s not as unattainable as one might think. You can actually become your own hero with your own superpowers. Yes, I said superpowers. You may be asking yourself “How?” right now. Well, fitness, in its many shapes and forms, can also be seen as a super power. If you think about our heroes we read about and their powers you realize that most their powers come from some sort of athleticism. For instance, take the Flash. His super power is super speed. Now how many of you have ran track, a marathon or just run in general as a way of staying in shape and active? Well BOOM! You have your super power! Of course you may not be as fast as the Flash but I know some people who are pretty darn fast.
Now what if running isn’t your thing? What if you like to lift heavy objects for a sense of power? Well then, I would say you have BAM super strength. You are now the modern day Wonder Woman or She Hulk and for the men, Superman. Both weight lifting and power lifting could be considered super strength, though I don’t think super strength alone is the only thing you could compare with these two sports. If we really think about it, moving heavy weight is also a lot like moving the earth known as the super power of earth control. If we can pick up a weight in a gym we can pick up rocks, dirt and trees. Wouldn’t you say?

Then there is the sport of Cross Fit. The superhero I think of when I think of Cross Fit is Captain America. He is strong, quick, and displays an endless amount of muscular and cardiovascular endurance. All of which are necessary for the sport of Cross fit. His “never say never” attitude when taking on the bad guys could be compared with continuing to push through a workout of the day (WOD) even though you feel like throwing in the towel. With Cross Fit’s strength training based workouts that are fast paced with high reps, you can see how one could easily be seen as a super hero.
Willpower, a power we use to overcome obstacles. Willpower is used, if you think about it, in all areas of fitness. Green Lantern is a prime example of this. In the beginning, his ring had a weakness to the color yellow but over time he overcame that weakness. In life we face many struggles not just in fitness but in other aspects as well. We use our willpower to figure out how to overcome our obstacles just as the Green Lantern did. We are going to run into things or people that may slow us down but know that in time you will prevail! Willpower is used not only in the mental aspect of fitness but also in the physical. Think of it this way, when you lift a weight, you to have to know you can move it and then use that mind/muscle connection to perform the motion. When you try to lift a heavier object, your mind may say you can’t do it so therefore your muscles will agree because the mind and muscle connection is not there. It may take a few tries to get that connection to sink in and to get them to say, “I can “then to say,” "I will” and finally to say, “Yeah I just did”. So Willpower is a superpower that we must all possess. Not only in the sense to say no to things we don’t need in our lives but also to move forward in our athletic superpower ability.
These are just a few examples how sports and fitness can be compare to superpowers. As you can see, living a fit and healthy lifestyle has already given you a superpower. You may actually have more than one. Now go out there and become your own hero!
Become Your Own Hero Workout:
This is a group of workouts that you can commonly do in the gym but made fun by adding some of my favorite superhero names for a twist.
1) Captain America All American Workout - 4x10
- Have DB's your weight choice and start in plank
- Go into push up keeping your core engaged
- Do Rows both sides
- Jump in as if you are doing a bur-pee
- Squat down and push up
2) Black Widow's Jump Lunges with punch 4x10
- Begin by stepping forward, bending at both knees keeping the front knee aligned over your ankle as the back knee comes close to the floor punching out with one arm.
- Then jump as you alternate leg and arm always keeping your core enraged throughout the movement
- It's ok if you are a bit off balance that is expect.
- If uncomfortable jumping as you switch just step forward and punch out.
- With dumbbells in each hand standing lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow until you are parallel as if you are Batman flaring his cape
- Then lower dumbbells back down slowly
- Repeat
4) Wonder Woman Triceps Dips - 4x15
- Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a bench and extend your legs out in front of you, your arms should be extended
- Then slowly bend your arms and lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle
- Press down on the bench and push back up, extending your arms
- Repeat
5) Hammer of Thor Bicep Curls - 4x15
- Begin standing position with dumb bells in each hand.
- Grip the dumb bells with the palms of your hands facing your body and elbows close to your side
- Only moving the forearm, begin to bring the dumb bell up as you squeeze your bicep
- Hold for one second then slowly lower it back down
- Repeat
6) Spidermans- 4x10
- Start in the standard pushup position with your feet on bench
- As you lower your body toward the floor, lift your right foot off the floor, swing your right leg out sideways, and try to touch your knee to your elbow
- Reverse the movement, then push your body back to the starting position
- Repeat with the other leg and continue to alternate back and forth
7) Superman Planks- 30 sec each side
- Place hands directly underneath your shoulders with palms on the mat or floor
- Extend your legs behind you and rest on your toes
- Your body is now in a straight line between your shoulders and toes
- Keep your abdominal muscles tight to help hold the position correctly
- Extend one arm out and hold for desired time
- Alternate arm and repeat